Yacht Clearance – Asia

Uncharted Waters? Navigating Customs & Clearances in Asia Asia beckons with turquoise waters, vibrant cultures, and island paradises, but navigating its customs and clearances can feel daunting. Fear not! This guide equips you with the knowledge for a smooth arrival at some of Asia’s most popular yachting destinations. The details on this page cover the process if you are aiming…

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Yacht Delivery from Hong Kong to the Philippines: A Luxurious Voyage on the McConaghy MC52

Yacht Delivery from Hong Kong to the Philippines: A Luxurious Voyage on the McConaghy MC52

Embarking on a yacht delivery from Hong Kong to the Philippines is an exhilarating journey that promises breathtaking views, thrilling sailing, and unforgettable experiences. In this article, we will delve into the remarkable qualities of the McConaghy MC52, the meticulous preparation involved in sailing on the delivery, and the bustling West Philippine Sea en route to the Philippines. We will…

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